However, Boaz knew the implications of Ruth’s actions, and he responded in Ruth 3:10-13. Explain that by lying at Boaz’s feet, Ruth was implying that she wanted to be his wife! Also, exposing his feet was very risky – it meant she could have been physically harmed. Lastly, describe Naomi’s plan for Ruth and Boaz by reading Ruth 3:1-4.Ask, “What protection did Boaz offer to Ruth (to stay in his field, drink water, and not be harmed by the other men)? What reasons did he give Ruth for these privileges (her good reputation and the sacrifice she made by leaving her home)?” Help the children understand that it was a rare thing for someone of Boaz’s stature to even notice a woman like Ruth, let alone offer his protection! Comment, “God had a special plan for the women and provided Ruth an opportunity to glean grain (gather the leftovers after the crops had been harvested) in a field owned by one of Naomi’s relatives.” Read Ruth 2:8-12. Next, ask the children to brainstorm how Naomi and Ruth might have felt when they returned to Judah (e.g.Also, announce that God had some special blessings in store because of Ruth’s faithfulness. Ask, “What is special about Ruth’s desire to return with Naomi (it showed her love and commitment to Naomi)? Do you think Naomi had been a good example for Ruth?” Help the class understand that Naomi and Ruth’s relationship shows us how important it is to love, serve, and help one another. Go on to explain that Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, encouraged her to stay in Moab after the death of their husbands. Say, “Today we will learn about a woman named Ruth who was used by God in amazing ways even though she was a foreigner and faced many hard circumstances.” Read Ruth 1:1-5 and discuss the ramifications for a woman in her day, and of her status, to face such difficulties (such as the difficulty of providing for herself and no longer being under the legal protection of a husband).Remind the children that God is pleased to use families who desire to serve him (just like he used the people/families we have been learning about in the bible). Especially talk about the examples that closely match God’s desire to use faithful, obedient families to show others his love. Ask the class to find pictures of families and be able to explain what each family is doing or what the picture/book may represent. ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY: Continue discussing how God uses families by looking through Christian magazines and children’s books. OPENING PRAYER: “God, thank you for having a special plan for each of us! Help us learn from Ruth by choosing obedience to your specific will for each of our lives.
Childrens bible study on prayer pdf#
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